“It has changed the way that I think about things, and I think that is true for a lot of the stem majors,” said Junior biochemisty major Sophia Swift. “ At this stage, my thinking has developed into a higher way of thinking that I did not have the ability to do before.”
Swift researched the Chalcone Synthesis via Aldol Condensation for the Doc Kieft research program, which is open only to biochemistry, chemistry, and neuroscience majors. She presented her research in July.
Swift finds biochemistry interesting in the way that “it puts all the puzzle pieces together.” She is on a premedical track and is looking to go to graduate school after she graduates from Monmouth.
“Talk to your advisors and one bad class experience should not throw you out of the major,” said Swift. “I definitely had classes that I thought this is not going to end well. I suggest taking it one day at a time and to keep trying. You may have to try harder than you thought, but if you really want to do it you can.”
Emilie Cain - News & Opinion Editor