Growing up The Mighty Ducks was a true staple (all three of them really) in my household. The 1992 film was based in Minnesota focusing on a peewee hockey league, in particular the team District 5. The team never won any games until Gordon Bombay (Emilio Estevez) becomes the coach to fulfil his community service requirement. The relationship between coach and players get off to a rocky start but Bombay slowly gains the trust of the team. Bombay gets District 5 a sponsor to get the team some real gear instead of using duct-taped skates and layered clothing as pads; they also gained the name The Ducks from their sponsor as well. Along the way Bombay teaches the Ducks how to win while the Ducks try to teach their coach that winning isn’t everything. Together the Ducks learn how to accept one another for their flaws while still boosting each other up as a whole team.
If you haven’t seen the first one—it’s a MUST SEE in my book. And hey, you might as well watch the whole trilogy while you are at it. Trust me, they are that good.
Shyanne Sheehan - Editor in Chief