At last week’s Scots Senate Roundtable, Director of Campus Events Ryan Doyle said to register a new organization at Monmouth College there are a list of steps that must be checked off first.
1. The group must consist of ten currently enrolled students and seek a member of faculty or staff to advise them.
2. Then the organization must schedule a meeting with a representative from the Office of Student Engagement to present their proposal to become recognized.
3. After receiving a favorable recommendation, the representative will bring it to the Executive Committee of Senate stating that the proposal should be voted on by Student Senate.
4. When a favorable recommendation is received from the Executive Committee of Student Senate, the proposal will be voted on by Student Senate.
5. Once a favorable recommendation has been made by the Student Senate, the Senate President will report the new organization at the next faculty meeting. Then the president of the new organization will announce their founding at the next open meeting.
President of Scots Senate Jake Rathgeb said its important to have your organization registered. “It gets you a voting seat on Scots Student Senate. It also gives you the ability to petition the Student Affairs Committee of faculty members. This gives you the right to use the Monmouth College name and allows you to petition for finances from the Scots Student Senates budget. This way you can schedule events on the college calendar and sponsor events on campus, along with using and reserving facilities.”
For more information about how to get started, contact Ryan Doyle or attend a Scots Student Senate meeting, held every other Wednesday in CSB 100 at 6:00p.m.
Emilie Cain - News and Opinion Editor