Have you seen the new movie Bohemian Rhapsody? The popular new movie has grabbed attention from audiences of all ages since its release in November. After seeing this movie, I had a new appreciation for Queen, Freddie Mercury and the songs that they were known for.
The movie begins with Freddie Mercury going to see a band perform called “Smile.” After the show, a member of “Smile” decides to leave. Freddie goes up to the band and introduces himself and asked to fill the gap. The members of the band were concerned about his large teeth and made their assumptions before they realized the talent that he had. Freddie later proposes the idea of calling the band “Queen”.
As the movie goes on, Freddie proposes to Mary, who he had been dating. Soon after he proposed to Mary, it was announced to Freddie that the band had booked a tour of America. While trying to create a new song, Paul Prenter, their band’s manager, approached Freddie and kissed him. Freddie did not try to resist but also wanted to try to make it evident that he didn’t feel the same for Paul as Paul did for him.
The band eventually creates “Bohemian Rhapsody,” a song that has compromised many words and lyrics that you really don’t know unless you play the song over and over again, and at that point, I am sure everyone hears something different. The band took “Bohemian Rhapsody” to Ray Foster, their record executive, who says the song will never make it as a single because it is made up of words that no one understands or knows. He thought it was way too long and no one will want to play it. The group leaves Ray and the song becomes Review: Bohemian Rhapsodya hit all over the world.
While the band was traveling around the world on tour, Freddie became distant with Mary. After he gets back home, he tells Mary that he believes he is bisexual, which Mary responds that she thinks he is gay. Mary leaves Freddie, but they continue being friends and living in houses next to each other. The band attends a press conference where Freddie was getting overwhelming questions about his sexuality and he seemed dazed and confused. Freddie had been dating Paul and broke up with him after Mary told Freddie that Queen had been offered to perform at the concert Live Aid, a benefit concert for Africa - something that Paul never told to Freddie.
As the movie goes on, Freddie becomes sick and sees a doctor where he is diagnosed with AIDS. The movie ends stating he died in 1991 of AIDS related phenomena.
I personally think that this was a great movie and really showed me a new appreciation for Queen and their music. I learned a lot about Freddie’s life from this movie and the timeline of the band. I honestly don’t have any complaints about the movie. I believe that after seeing what the band and Freddie Mercury’s lives were like and what they went through, I think about the music differently when I hear it. I recommend everyone, at some point to see this movie. Whether you know none of Queen’s songs or all of them, this movie is worth seeing and I do believe it has made an impact on our society.
Allison Barrington
Contributing Writer