Mindful Monmouth’s Mental Health Peer Educators program attempts to give students more options to get assistance with their mental health.
In October of 2021, Monmouth College created the peer mentors program. “Mental Health Peer Educators are dedicated to reducing mental health stigma and increasing accessibility of mental health services by helping Monmouth College students connect to Counseling Services and other mental health resources,” said Psychology Professor Sydney Greenwalt.
The Peer Educators are advanced psychology and biopsychology students who are certified in peer education, mental health first aid, and safe zone. They aim to help students better manage daily stressors and connect to campus resources.
“We hope to help students live healthier lives, both on campus and beyond,” said Greenwalt.
Along with the multiple times and locations for peer counseling the Mental Health Peer Educators will be putting on Mindful Monmouth Mondays. These will consist of bringing acts of kindness to campus to help increase mental health awareness, mindfulness skills, and compassion. This event is sponsored by Center for Civic and Social Change’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Grant.
To request outreach services from Mental Health Peer Educators, email sgreenwalt@monmouthcollege.edu. You can also find more information and updates on Instagram, just follow @mocomhpe.
Jacy Goodnight - Staff Writer