I recently wrote an opinion piece about the state of the history department here at Monmouth college. While I stand by the substance of what I wrote, I wanted to clarify that while myself and other history majors have had concerns over different aspects within the department, it was not my intention to disparage the skill or the intellect of any of the professors in the department. I have the utmost respect for our professors, and the education they have and continue to provide, as do other history majors.
As a department, each member of the faculty go out of their way to help and assist all their students both during class and outside of class to provide us with not only the best possible education, but to act as mentors and provide guidance in both our academic and personnel lives. There is no other department I would rather be majoring in, and it is with heavy hearts that we see Professor Witzig, and Professor Myers leave. Overall the faculty in the history department make it worth studying history, not only for the education, but for the guidance they provide.
Contributing Writer