Where: Dahl Chapel
When: Friday, February 7 @ 7pm
Support Your fellow Scots! See you there!
On Feb. 7, ASAP will host Monmouth’s Got Talent at Dahl Chapel in the Kasch Performance Hall. For those who are unfamiliar with the event, students with a wide variety of skills and abilities all perform for fun and also to earn some pretty nice prize money. The first-place winner gets $200, second place gets $150, and third place gets $50. Whether you’re participating in the show or not, the talent show is one of the more entertaining events that this campus has to offer, so go out and support your fellow students!
Don’t be shy and show off the special talents you have to offer! The show begins at 7 pm, so arrive ahead of time.
For any further questions or concerns, contact Katterine Rodas-Quintana at krodas-quintana@monmouthcollege.edu.