Many communities all over Illinois are reforming and establishing new drug and alcohol policies. Local school district Monmouth-Roseville, is one of many public school districts in the state that is establishing drug testing and alcohol testing policies on extracurricular junior high and high school students.
First announcing this district-wide change, the district board contacted students, parents, and guardians in July.
The letter sent to the community states, “Beginning with the 2019-2020 school year, Monmouth-Roseville Junior High and Monmouth-Roseville High School will start a random student drug and alcohol testing program. The program affects students involved in extracurricular activities &/or students who park on school district property.”
Health and safety is being stressed as the No. 1 priority of the Monmouth-Roseville School District, and the school board hopes it curbs drug use.
Griffin Morrill - News Editor