“MJUR is one of those things that makes Monmouth College unique - a student edited research journal that solicits and receives submissions of original research from around the world is something that I have really only seen here,” said professor and Coordination Advisor for the Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research (MJUR), Dr. Michael Solontoi. Submissions have been closed for the year and the process of editing the 15th volume of MJUR has begun.
“MJUR is one of only a handful, fewer than twenty, of multidisciplinary undergraduate research journals in the U.S. that accepts national and international submissions,” said Dr. Solontoi.
The journal offers students on campus the opportunity to gain experience in editing and publishing a research journal. “They are exposed to high quality research across the disciplines and get a chance to write reviews on how to improve research in those disciplines,” said professor and Publicity Advisor for MJUR, Dr. Andre Audette, “They get firsthand experience in how a journal is run, opening up opportunities for them to go into adjacent careers in editing, publishing, or academic research.”
MJUR strives to support undergraduate researchers and to contribute to the field of academia.
“This first meeting I went to absolutely blew me away,” said Dr. Solontoi. “The editors were having a deep analytical discussion of a very professional paper, and their comments and discourse where at a higher level than some professional meetings that I have been part of. These were our students, deeply involved with a unique academic opportunity, and they were absolutely knocking it out of the park.”
Karli Strom News and Opinion Editor