Pi Sigma Alpha and the Wackerle Career & Leadership Center hosted a “Women in Law Day”. Alumnae came to campus and spoke about their political pursuits post gradation.
“During my time as a political science major at Monmouth, I met a lot of women in our department many of whom became mentors and friends,” said Anita Gándara, Pi Sigma Alpha President. “I thought it would be a great opportunity to bring together women who came before us to share their experiences and insight.”
Alumnae Kate Cross ’08, Jessica Acosta ’19, and Abierre Minor ’21 spoke about their careers in law, politics and a continuation in higher education. Cross is the Chief Public Defender for Boone County and handles criminal cases for those that can’t afford their own attorney. She manages her fellow attorneys and staff in an administrative role. Acosta is a Court Reform Advocate, who is receiving her Master of Arts in Public Policy from the University of Chicago. Minor served as Chief of Staff for Assistant Majority Leader Mattie Hunter. She is applying to law schools to continue her education with an emphasis on civil rights.
Since law is one of many male-dominated careers, it’s important to show that there are many successful and powerful women in those spaces. “Representation for women in male dominated spaces is so important because our experiences are unique and so influential,” said Gándara. “It’s also beneficial for current students to hear those experiences and engage with these individuals to create a stronger sense of reality that this career is achievable for women.”
The alumnae shared college, career, and life advice to students, emphasizing the importance of remaining true to your passions and pursuits, even in the face of opposition. “They kept repeating that it’s okay to not have every detail of your life figured out,” said Gándara. “Hearing sentiments like these from our alumnae was so comforting and made me feel more grounded and confident.”
Karli Strom News and Opinion Writer