In honor of Black History Month, the Association for Student Activity Programming (ASAP) hosted a trivia night commemorating African American figures. Participants gathered in the Mellinger Commons and answered “Jeopardy!” like clues.
Sophomore and Trivia Host Brady Arrenius wanted to give the event “balance,” varying the questions with ones the average person would know to somewhat hard questions. “I wanted to make it a challenge, but at the same time, not something impossible. The questions worth 500 points definitely will have a level of difficulty that is greater than those worth 100,” said Arrenius.
Teams could pick from five unique categories: sports, government, idols, music, and entertainment. Within the categories, teams could pick points ranging from 100 to 500. Then, they got a clue, and the teams wrote their answers in question form. For example, one clue was: “The state that 44th United States President Barack Obama was a senator for.” Students wrote the correct question on their whiteboards: “What is Illinois?”
Contributing Writer Payton Crims